When Did Rape Become OK?

Aug 24, 2016 by admin - 0 Comments

Man Charged For Raping Two Unconscious Women Only Gets Probation, I can think back only few decades,  certain men were killed for looking at a white woman… but again… they were only looking… not raping!!!

Just wondering, is this what making America great again is… or #alllivesmatters #whitegirlsmatters unless you’re a young white man with that “white privilege card” and do something super dumb… that would get anyone else… 11 years to life in prisons!!!


#Whiteprivilege is just like Trump’s Hair Piece… at this point we know it’s there… we all see it looking out of the place but everybody tries to focus on something else, we allow the hair piece to go uncheck just like white privilege.. He didn’t rape one but two gals, and just probation… We all need to know his lawyer!!! I love that they didn’t want he to pay for his mistakes… a mistakes is forgetting to flush, taking the trash out… late… Not being drunk, passing out and raping to 2 unconscious women… that’s not a mistake… THAT IS DOUBLE RAPE and Sexual Assault

(The majority of convicted rapists in the United States go to prison. The average sentence length is 11 years, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.)
That’s 22 years… but no time… when the privilege card is played… so does all live matter… not even white women now matter… #DavidBecker

Becker had assaulted other girls in the past and was referred to as “David the Rapist.” He’s a serial rapist… with no conviction on his record, no one want to stop his college experience…. so you put a serial rapist on a college campus…. #geez my mind is done for today!!!
Is this #reallife or #criminalmindstvshow


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