Knowing your music history and using it in your music future

Nov 22, 2013 by admin - 0 Comments

If you know your Chess and Motown Records, then you will see how to make a steady income stream in the Carolina media industry in 2014…

History is a circle, everything comes about around with a new spin to it. 360, 180, 90, 45 degrees… MP3 are the new 45’s… Remember how Doo-Wop did it…. Stop thinking national buzz and think about your area…your network… your marketing… to area…

They will support you, but first they must see you… as a star.

—>Why doesn’t some Open Mics or Shows work?

I’ve seen open mics in Eastern Carolina pop out regional stars and songs, while others didn’t seize that spotlight.

How many artists branded themselves at the shows?

A lot of the Artists didn’t have proper mech for sale, posters and business card, including me… at that time.

We have another chance, it’s all about mobile traffic, marketing and branding yourself in your area – Big Buji


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